10 Tips to Design a Garden with No Lawn and Beautifully Decorated Drain Covers

The trend in lawn less design is growing because of the disadvantages of traditional landscaping. Lawns are expensive to maintain and can be difficult for people with allergies or other sensitivities since they require frequent mowing, watering, pesticides, and fertilizers.

The problem is that once you get rid of your grass, you’re left with a blank slate (or concrete). Which means you need to do some serious landscaping. What should you use? How can you create an incredible garden without spending too much money? Here are 10 tips that will help guide your way.


There’s no shame in asking for help when designing a lawnless garden. If you don’t have the expertise to create Design a Garden without a lawn, your local garden center can. They’ll often be able to give you a low cost estimate that’s less than half of what you would normally pay to have grass installed. And when you have them on your side, they may be willing to customize the landscaping to your specifications.

Think about what you really need in your yard. Are you into the simple touch of texture? Or do you prefer the more organic look? Before you invest hundreds of dollars in the most expensive landscaping option, look into a low cost plan that offers an attractive outcome with little maintenance and fewer problems.

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Cover the Ground

If you use concrete, make sure you cover the bare concrete in order to preserve the whole area. You can either use bricks or brick-like stones, or choose a raised path. This is how Design Garden Manuel Vilar had it done. Place Shade Lampposts. If you do decide to go with a raised path, you need to make sure you have a few extra benches for people to sit on.

And it’s easier to put up a few benches if they are placed right below a certain type of shade lamp. To find the shade lamp, simply look for an area that’s elevated. I chose a platform which is exposed to the sun all day, even during summer. It can be a sheltered area that overlooks a small yard, a parking lot, or a pond. These platforms are perfect for a large garden like this one.

Place Pots and Planters

Choose a few colorful pots, planters, or other containers. They’ll look nice and allow for you to create a small seating area or outdoor bar. You can even place some small rocks around the container for a little extra Design Garden.

In order to increase your decorative garden, use some additional features. To attract more wildlife, add bird houses or cat houses. Add Flower Bed Containers. Adding flower beds to your garden can help it look more balanced.

Even a small flower bed can become a beautiful garden area. Add Decorative Trees. You can plant decorative trees such as crape myrtle, elephant ears, plum, paw paw, and several others. These plants are known to grow with little care and can look great in any Design Garden.

Add a Curb Side Garden

There are several reasons you should consider adding a curb side garden. First, it makes the overall look of your home seem much more modern and energetic. If you’re struggling to find the time to maintain a traditional garden, this is the way to go. Second, your curb garden can provide food for your pets and provide a gorgeous focal point to your home. You may also want to consider adding some plants to your roof. Have Stunning Fountains.

Lawn watering doesn’t only create a huge waste problem, but it also forces you to spend money on water. Fountains are a great way to save water and money. However, fountains are only effective if you have enough of them to serve your home. The cost of setting up a fountain can quickly climb.

Use Pathways for a Walkway or Bikeway

Ideally, your walkways should be a series of twists and turns for maximum convenience. Of course, you can also build a straight pathway that leads to the same destination. In the following example, the path and the flowers help break up the straight-line appearance of the path. The sidewalk is just a piece of wood that is elevated above the rest of the ground. Park Nearby and Conserve Water.

You can create a lovely Design Garden in less than half an acre with proper plant selection. Planting ferns, peonies, lilies, daisies, roses, and other commonly used flowers in between established shrubs and trees will help filter and retain the rainfall, while protecting your plants from heat and sun.

Add a Focal Point to Your Garden

Create a focal point in your Design Garden. The focal point of your garden is what draws people’s eyes in. A garden with a focal point offers the wow factor that gets people excited and makes them want to explore more. As an example, some people use a main focus tree in their Design Garden. If you don’t have room for a tree in your garden, you can get creative and have a focal point in the form of a waterfall.

While these water features aren’t always a perfect way to install a focal point, it does save you money because it’s almost always a fountain. How to Select the Right Fountains. If you don’t want to have to maintain the fountain, you can buy a replacement kit. They come with everything you need for a fountain installation, including the water tank, switch, and waterer.

Create a Water Feature, Like a Pond or Fountain

Create a perfect landscape design by adding a water feature. A pond is a great feature because it not only adds beauty, but it also helps to retain water. A water feature will help you with maintaining the property and will provide your neighbors with a great photo op. Find a place that’s accessible for you to plant it.

Make sure it is completely safe and has enough room for future extensions. Keep the Landscape Pretty Neutral. In traditional landscaping, your home’s front yard and side yard should be colorful. But in a modern design, the opposite is true. And that’s ok. A modern design looks less cluttered and less congested. Plus, it’s much easier to use both ground and sky when you have the back half of your property looking different from the front half.

Add an Outdoor Living Space, Like an Outdoor Kitchen

When it comes to the Design a Garden, it’s important to keep in mind that you’re trying to create a space that doesn’t stand out like a sore thumb in your front yard. So a few design tips can help avoid overdoing it on the plants. You want to be able to blend in your outdoor space so it looks comfortable and doesn’t draw too much attention.

That’s why the first step is creating a living space that can serve as a focal point and compliment your Design Garden. For example, an outdoor kitchen is a great idea. This type of kitchen can be attached to the side of your home and can be used as a great place to eat, cook, and socialize. It’s the perfect design element for any outdoor area.

Install Solar Lighting Throughout Your Yard

It’s important to use the right kinds of solar lighting at the right place to avoid wasting energy. There are several types of solar lighting to choose from, including double-pole aluminum string lights and double-pole galvanized wire rope lights. You’ll also want to use walkways, flower beds, and pathways that create a nice design around your Design Garden.

Having walkways made of rock or gravel will make them easier to mow, so a bit of effort will help you save money. For those that don’t want to spend any money on solar lighting, there are a number of products that you can use instead. One of them is the Arrow LED Outdoor Lighting System by TK Tactical.


Lawn less Design a Garden is a great way to create something you can really be proud of. It is also a great solution for people with allergies, asthma, allergies, and even those who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You will be amazed at how much more you will enjoy and appreciate the spaces you have taken back in to your life!

Elegant Lawn less Gardens and Lawn less Landscapes for anyone looking to reduce, reuse, or remove grass. Growing eco-friendly Gardens in Greenhouses- Landscaping Ideas and Inspirations – For sustainable green living. About the author – Andrew Lowe is a professional landscape designer. When not working on projects, he enjoys spending time with his wife and young son in the great outdoors. Andrew can be contacted at www.smartgardeningtips.