As soon as you become a new parent, you will see a massive change in your life. This change will be heavily geared toward the decisions affecting your newborn baby. You may find yourself unsure when choosing a pediatrician or whether or not to breastfeed. Let’s take a look at five critical decisions new parents have to make.
Deciding to Breastfeed
Both parents, especially mothers, have to decide whether to breastfeed the baby or use formula milk alone. Breastfeeding comes with its own challenges and benefits.
Challenges of Breastfeeding
If the mother is physically able to breastfeed and has the time to do so, this may be the best option for your newborn. However, busy work schedules, fussy babies, and health issues in the mother can make breastfeeding a challenge. You, as a mother, might prioritize your comfort. Some moms don’t feel comfortable breastfeeding their babies.
Benefits of Breastfeeding
Most mothers decide to breastfeed their babies because breastfeeding strengthens the immune system and reduces the chances of developing asthma, diabetes, obesity, and other allergies. A baby can digest breast milk well compared to formula milk. Many mothers stick to breastfeeding as long as possible because breastmilk is free as well. If a mother is a working woman then she can opt for the standard milk formula, however, if the baby can’t consume standard milk formula, then hydrolyzed baby formula like HiPP hypoallergenic formula will be your best option.
Deciding Which Formula Milk to Give
You need to see which milk you can afford and which formula will suit your baby best. Formula milk can be expensive due to its brand name and nutritional value. Parents should focus on ingredients when comparing standard formulas to premium brands. Oftentimes, there isn’t much difference other than the brand name.
Hydrolyzed partially
In a partially hydrolyzed formula, the protein molecules are broken down into smaller pieces so that they can be digested easily. Therefore, babies with colic and gassiness can use partly hydrolyzed formula.
Formulated using extensive hydrolysis
For babies who are allergic to cow milk protein, an extensively hydrolyzed formula is suitable. Extensive formula reduces allergic reactions. Protein molecules are more easily absorbed when consumed in a formula that is extensively hydrolyzed. For babies with food allergies, this formula is recommended.
Deciding to Work Full-time or Part-time
When you are a new parent, you want to give full attention to your baby. However, giving full attention to your baby will make you decide whether to continue working full-time, depending on how much your baby needs you.
Delivery of a Premature Baby
Premature babies need the full attention of their parents. You will want to work part-time only if you have a premature baby who gets sick often.
Delivery of a Healthy Baby
If your baby is healthy, you might not need to stay home. You can work full-time when you have the help of friends and family. See what will work for you. Do consider the finances. If you meet the budget, you will not want to work as hard as you used to before delivering the baby.
The Type of Delivery
If you had a standard delivery, you could get up in no time. However, if your delivery was a C-section delivery, you will need to give your body rest for at least two months. Your husband can work full-time, and you can take leave until you are okay to work.
Deciding On a Doctor
Deciding which doctor to go for is a huge decision.
Pediatrician or Family Doctor?
Pediatricians are specialized doctors for babies. On the other hand, a family doctor or general physician is a doctor for adults as well. A pediatrician will know more about your baby and will be around more often than a family doctor. It is very important to choose a good doctor, as it is crucial for your child’s health and growth.
Deciding On a Daycare
When both parents have to work, the only solution is to drop the baby off at a daycare center. Daycare decisions are callous for new parents.
Pros of Childcare Centers
There are many advantages of childcare.
Security – Childcare programs are safe as they have licensing requirements. There are strict rules for the caretakers, so they are always carefully compared to hiring nannies at home.
Nonstop Care – Childcare programs have a schedule maintained. A substitute teacher can take care of your baby even if a teacher is absent.
Affordable – Private babysitters can be expensive as they come to your home and take care of the baby there. Compared to hiring a babysitter, childcare centers can be costly but provide more benefits.
Quality Care for all Ages – Childcare centers are typically staffed by professionals who have experience in caring for children. You can also expect your childcare center to have playrooms and toys designed for all ages. At home, you may be limited in this regard, especially if you have children of varying ages.
Cons of Childcare Centers
There can be some disadvantages of childcare that might prevent you from admitting your baby.
Illness – A baby already has a weak immune system. Going outside the home and interacting with many other babies can cause your baby to catch illnesses. The childcare will ask you not to send the baby if the baby is sick.
Little Individual Attention – Compared to a caretaker at home who can give the baby full attention, childcare has to deal with multiple babies and other children at once. Your baby might not get the required attention you’d expect.
Cost – Daycare centers are less expensive than hiring a private nanny; however, the price can fluctuate depending on your area and the amount of time your baby spends there. A family member or family friend might offer to look after your baby for free, saving you the cost.
Take care of yourself and let friends and family help you take care of other stuff. Being new parents is a cumbersome task. So, open yourself up making to wise decisions as they will help you in your parental journey.