What Are The Different Construction Jobs You Can Get In The UK


COVID-19 battered businesses and the overall economy in the Uk. It affected not only the small and medium businesses but also the sectors where millions of dollars are invested. But the good news is that the markets are rising again from their deep slumber and strengthening once again.

Experts are raising hopes that some of the core sectors can perform to its expectation, and the construction sector is one of them. With the resurgence of the construction sector, people can get job opportunities.

Are you also trying to get a job in the construction sector?

Then this article can serve your needs. This article can describe the different construction jobs you can get in the UK.

Skills And Competencies That One Needs To Get A Job In The Construction Sector

The construction sector in the UK is quite exciting as new designs and technologies are being applied in different buildings.

According to Statista, the GVA or, say, the gross value of the construction sector in the UK as recorded in the year 2022 is around 128892 million GBP. It is rising from the slump attributed to the stagnancy during the pandemic. This is an indicator of the fact that things are shaping up yet again.

Now that you are preparing to get associated with this sector, you need to put things in order to understand the prime qualities that one needs.

1. Physical Strength And Endurance

A job in the construction sector without physical and mental endurance mainly fails. You have to work for hours on the construction sites. You may have to climb a wall or jump from a platform. You need strength and stamina, even if you are a construction site chief engineer.

2. Engineering And Building Experience

You need to be adept with technical knowledge as a construction worker. To enter the construction sector, you need specific training and experience to be familiar with the construction tools, materials and chemicals used.

3. Communication And Listening Skills

You need to learn communication skills if you work as the chief engineer, glass operator, crane operator or painter, or whatever you associate with construction. This is because workspaces in the construction site require coordination. If you fail to achieve it, you cannot do well here.

4. Mathematical Knowledge

The highest-paying construction site jobs require a clear understanding of numbers. Construction includes pure geometry and other mathematical applications. Therefore if you are good with mathematics, you can understand the complexities of the structures easily.

5. Team Work

Construction jobs are all based on teamwork. The chief engineer working on a project delegates tasks to the other senior engineer. The senior engineers form an understanding with the junior engineers.

The junior engineer works with the workers. Therefore you have to form teamwork to successfully manage the projects. So if you want to work in the construction sector, you must be good at teamwork.

Different Construction Jobs You Can Get In The Uk

The construction sector in the UK is quite expensive, and you have different areas that create jobs. The jobs can be of different kinds based on technical knowledge and expertise.

Depending on this, the salaries are set. Average construction salaries uk is around £44,996 per year or £23.07 per hour. The low salaries of the construction sites can be around £ 31060; if it reaches the large scale, the average salary can range between £ 67500.Now we discuss the different construction jobs you can get associated with.

1. Commercial Manager

Commercial managers hold important positions in the construction industry. They take the responsibility of handling the company finances in different projects. At the same time, they direct the subordinates on financial risks and cost controls. The average salary can range between £ 35000 to £75000 yearly.

2. Construction Managers

The construction managers oversee the different aspects of construction projects. They ensure the projects meet the deadline and align with the planned budget. They also set health and safety guidelines for the workers deployed in different project sections.

3. Design Manager

The design managers manage the design and related complexities associated with them. The design managers integrate themselves with stakeholders like architects and engineers to create coordinated designs.

Design managers play an important role in the related department to pass the plan. They also prepare the tender documents and, at the same time, manage all design-related development processes.

4. Site Manager

Site managers are responsible for the production process and control the off-site staff, subcontractors and vendors. The ultimate responsibility of the site manager is to ensure that the overall project meets the desired standards.

They also promote high health and safety among workers in different cities. The average salary of the site managers is £ 42500 yearly.

5. Quality Surveyor

Financial planning and control and management are crucial aspects of construction sites. They ensure effective administration and control of the projects. Quality surveyors engage in the timely preparation of the valuation and the submission of invoices and receipts.

They do everything to settle things timely, including claims and other disputes. The average salary of these professionals can range between £ 37500, and it can go further with experience.

6. Site Engineers

Site engineers collaborate with the project personnel to develop a thorough, detailed design. At the same time, they are also responsible for the timely delivery and handover of the projects.

They discuss core aspects of the projects with the other stakeholders so that the entire project syncs properly. They also provide the necessary instructions on various aspects of the site, including drainage, safety and fencing. The average salary for these jobs is £36700.

Putting The Discussion To A Close

Apart from these mentioned above, you can also try on roles like the general foreman, finishing manager, roofing expert, plumbing expert, electrical expert, and many other areas.

All require technical knowledge and competency. Therefore you have a sky of opportunity in the construction sector in the UK.