Smite Patch Notes: Deceiver, Conquest Mode and More

Brief introduction

It was only a few weeks ago that Hi-Rez Studios released their latest patch for Smite, which included a new map and new god abilities. This article will outline the most notable changes that have been made to the game. More information can be found in our full list of Smite Patch Notes!

Patch for deceivers

Updates have been released for Deceiver which include new features and changes. Conquest Mode can now be accessed from the main game menu, and the Deceiver is now one of several new gods available. See below for the full smite patch notes.

The main game menu now includes Conquest Mode

We now have: Deceiver, Skadi, Osiris, Thor, and Zhong Kui as new gods available.

After being hit by certain abilities, player characters sometimes became stuck in the ground

Mode of conquest

We have launched the new Conquest mode! The goal of this four-player mode is to control the most temples by pitting teams of gods against each other. Team A wins the match if they capture six temples first. To play Conquest mode successfully, follow these tips:

To gain an advantage over your opponents, capture enemy temples quickly.

In order to weaken enemy gods, destroy their temples and then capture them.

Maintain your life by healing and buffing your allies and destroying the idols of your enemies.

The special abilities of your god can tip the balance of power in your team’s favor if you use them wisely.

Bug fixes and improvements

A number of notable improvements and bugs have been fixed in Smite Patch NotesĀ for November 9; new changes include changes to Deceiver and Conquest modes. See below for the full list!

Bug fixes and additional improvements:

A new hotkey (default: “Ctrl+R”) has been added for issuing commands to allied gods in Conq mode.

In Conquest mode, certain objectives would sometimes not be able to be completed by players.

Players could not always slay the boss creatures in the Temple of the Damned in Deceiver Mode due to a bug.

Players were sometimes unable to purchase items from the shop in Deceiver Mode due to a problem with the shop.

There was an issue in Deceiver Mode where players were not always able to complete ranked matches.

A bug in Deceiver Mode prevented players from receiving gold from defeated enemies.

Updates have been released for Deceiver which include new features and changes. Conquest Mode can now be accessed from the main game menu, and the Deceiver is now one of several new gods available. See below for the full Smite Patch Notes.

Conquest Mode has been added to the main menu of the game

We now have: Deceiver, Skadi, Osiris, Thor, and Zhong Kui as new gods available.

-Fixed an issue where certain abilities could sometimes cause player characters to become stuck in the ground

It’s time for the new Conquest mode! The aim of this four-player mode is to control the most temples by winning games against other teams of gods. Matches are won by teams that capture six temples first. To help you play Conquest mode, here are some tips:

  • To gain an advantage over your opponents, capture enemy temples quickly.
  • In order to weaken enemy gods, destroy their temples and then capture them.
  • You must heal your allies and buff them while destroying enemy god statues to remain alive.
  • Use your god’s special powers to your team’s advantage, since they can tip the balance for them.